Welcome to the Nexus tutorial. The tutorial will cover not only some basic examples but also show advanced methods to simulate and fit experimental data. In order to follow the tutorial it is helpful to be familiar with Python’s data types, classes, and the modules numpy and matplotlib.
The naming conventions in Nexus are:
Modules -
, e.g.nx.lib.moessbauer
.Classes -
, e.g.nx.Beam
.Class methods and functions -
, e.g.nx.ClebshGordon()
.All class attributes -
, e.g.nx.Beam.jones_vector
Start with Hello Nexus tutorial for the basics and from there on proceed to the tutorials you need. You can find jupyter notebooks with the examples at the end of each sections.
In case a jupyter lab or a jupyter notebook is used, be careful with data assignment in Nexus. It is recommended to restart the kernel and re-run all cells after a change of a cell or a second execution of a cell. This might be necessary due to the repeated command processing in jupyter when executing a cell and the object referencing in Nexus.
- Hello Nexus
- Plotting
- Beam
- Moessbauer isotope
- Material
- Hyperfine parameters
- Hyperfine parameter distributions
- Layer
- Sample
- Multilayers and Nexus references
- Effective density model
- Thickness and divergence distributions
- Analyzer
- Fixed Object
- Conuss Object
- Experiment
- Measurements
- Measurement types
- Energy Spectrum
- Amplitude Spectrum
- Moessbauer Spectrum
- Emission Spectrum
- Time Spectrum
- Time Spectrum Amplitude
- Electronic properties of the experiment
- Fields inside a sample
- Reflectivity and Transmission
- Reflectivity and Transmission Amplitudes
- Nuclear Reflectivities
- Energy Time Spectrum
- Energy Time Amplitude
- Integrated Energy Time Spectrum
- Notebooks
- Time dependence
- Modules and Libraries
- Data processing
- Fitting and Optimization
- Quantum mechanics and nuclear transitions
- Scattering functions and the refractive index