
A material is defined by its element composition and density. It also holds information on the material specific parameters influencing nuclear resonant scattering: The Lamb-Moessbauer factor, the abundance of the isotope and the hyperfine parameters.

The following parameters are Var objects and can be fit:

  • density of the material

  • abundance of the resonant isotope in the material

  • Lamb-Moessbauer factor of the resonant isotope in the material

For pure electronic calculations, only the composition and density have to be specified.


The density is given in g/cm^3.


The composition is given as a list of lists that define the element symbol as a string and the relative atomic weight or atomic composition.

import nexus as nx

mat_iron_oxide = nx.Material(id = "my material",
                             composition = [["Fe", 2], ["O", 3]],
                             density = 5.3)

  .id: my material
  .composition:  Fe 2.0  O 3.0
  .density (g/cm^3) Var.value = 5.3, .min = 0.0, .max = 23.0, .fit: False, .id:
  .isotope: none
  .abundance Var.value = 0.0, .min = 0.0, .max = 1.0, .fit: False, .id:
  .lamb_moessbauer Var.value = 0.0, .min = 0.0, .max = 1.0, .fit: False, .id:
    derived parameters:
    .total_number_density (1/m^3) = 9.99372085016313e+28
    .average_mole_mass (g/mole) = 31.937400000000004
    .isotope_number_density (1/m^3) = 0.0
    number of hyperfine sites 0

When the composition of an alloy is given in wt% instead of at%, you have to convert the composition. Use the WtToAt() function from the conversions module for that

permalloy_wt = (["Ni", 80], ["Fe", 20]) # or (['Ni', 0.8], ['Fe', 0.2])

permalloy_at = nx.conversions.WtToAt([["Ni", 80], ["Fe", 20]])


The output is (['Ni', 0.7919215353166942], ['Fe', 0.20807846468330582])`. Similarly for Fe2O3

# Fe2O3 in relative atomic fraction
Fe2O3_at = (['Fe', 2], ['O', 3])  # or (['Fe', 0.4], ['O', 0.6])

Fe2O3_wt = nx.conversions.AtToWt(Fe2O3_at)


to get (['Fe', 0.6994307614270416], ['O', 0.3005692385729583]).

Material Library

A material can also be loaded from the lib.material library, see material. It hosts a lot of pre-defined materials. To do so, use the materials Template method.

mat_iron_oxide = nx.Material.Template(nx.lib.material.Fe2O3)

Isotope parameters

In case nuclear scattering is calculated also the isotope properties have to be given. Those are

  • The abundance of the resonant isotope. The element must be in the composition of the material.

  • The material’s Lamb Moessbauer factor

  • Hyperfine parameters that specify the hyperfine interactions

mat = nx.Material(
    id = "my material",
    composition = [["Fe", 2],["O", 3]],
    density = 5.3,
    isotope = nx.lib.moessbauer.Fe57,  # load isotope from library
    abundance = 0.95,                  # "Fe" in composition is made out of 95% of 57-Fe,
    lamb_moessbauer = 0.793,
    #hyperfine_sites = [])             # list Hyperfine objects acting on the isotope


Here, no hyperfine parameters are passed. In this case, nuclear resonant scattering is not accounted for.

Added in version 1.2.0.

The Lamb-Moessbauer factor of the material overrides the site specific Lamb-Moessabuer factors of a Hyperfine site. In case you want to use hyperfine specific Lamb_Moessbauer factors set this parameter to None.

Hyperfine interactions

Let’s define a set of hyperfine interactions, called a site,

# If no values are passed, there is no isomer shift,
# no magnetic field and no quadrupole splitting.
# It will results in an unsplit line
site = nx.Hyperfine()

# apply to the material
mat.hyperfine_sites = [site]


That’s it. The MoessbauerIsotope and the Hyperfine classes are covered in the next sections.


material - nb_material.ipynb.

Please have a look to the API Reference for more information.