Moessbauer isotope

A MoessbauerIsotope host all information of the Moessbauer isotope parameters needed to calculate the nuclear transitions.

Added in version 1.2.0: Now a couple of isotope parameters are fitable.

The following parameters are Var objects and can be fit:

  • internal_conversion

  • mixing_ratio_E2M1

  • gfactor_ground

  • gfactor_excited

  • quadrupole_ground

  • quadrupole_excited

  • interference_term

A MoessbauerIsotope is only needed for calculations of nuclear properties. There are a couple of predefined isotopes defined in the lib.moessbauer library.

import nexus as nx

my_isotope = nx.lib.moessbauer.Ta181


print(my_isotope.nuclear_cross_section) # in m^2
MoessbauerIsotope: 181-Ta
  .element = Ta
  .mass (u) = 180.94799645
  .spin_ground = 3.5
  .spin_excited = 4.5
  .energy (eV) = 6215.7
  .wavelength (m) = 1.994694e-10
  .kvector (1/m) = 3.149949e+10
  .lifetime (s) = 8.728299999999999e-06
  .gamma (eV) = 7.541124352966788e-11
  .internal_conversion = 46.0
  .multipolarity = E1 (L = 1, lambda = 1)
  .mixing_ratio_E2M1 = 0.0
  .gfactor_ground = 0.6772857
  .gfactor_excited = 1.173
  .quadrupole_ground (barn) = 3.17
  .quadrupole_excited (barn) = 3.71
  .interference_term = -0.08
  .magnetic_moment_ground (eV/T) = 7.472885542354939e-08
  .magnetic_moment_excited (eV/T) = 1.6640213949517502e-07
  .nuclear_cross_section (converted to kbarn) = 1684.1659150180583


or you can define the Moessbauer isotope by its constructor

Ta181 = nx.MoessbauerIsotope(
  isotope = "181-Ta",
  element = "Ta",
  mass = 180.94799645,

  energy = 6215.7,
  lifetime = 8728.3,

  internal_conversion = 46,
  multipolarity = nx.Multipolarity_E1,
  mixing_ratio_E2M1 = 0,

  spin_ground = 7/2,
  spin_excited = 9/2,

  gfactor_ground = 0.6772857,
  gfactor_excited = 1.173,

  quadrupole_ground = 3.17,
  quadrupole_excited = 3.71,

  interference_term = -0.08



The print command gives additional derived parameters of the isotope that can also be accessed as shown before.


isotope - nb_isotope.ipynb.

Please have a look to the API Reference for more information.