
There are various ways to get Nexus running. The easiest option is to use one of the precompiled wheels, which are provided for some Windows Python versions. Currently, no precompiled Conda packages are provided, but it can be used to install the various build-time and run-time dependencies to compile Nexus. In case you use Conda or the manual compilation, you can compile Nexus for your specific Python version. Choose one of the next three options which best fits your needs.

Option 1: Nexus wheels for Windows

You need Python >= 3.7 to use the precompiled wheels. The Nexus wheels can be installed directly to your python installation or be used in a virtual environment, e.g. a conda environment. All necessary dependencies are provided by the wheels.

When you install Nexus on Windows for the first time, I recommend to check the Add Python to PATH option during installation and use a simple folder name like C:\PythonX to install in. I recommend not to install to the Programfiles folder of Windows. This will help to prevent issues during installation of packages.

  • Make sure you have Python installed.

  • Download the Nexus wheel provided your Python version >=3.7 from the Nexus release page (or from the dist folder).

  • In the command line, navigate to your folder with the Nexus distribution and run the pip installer with the Nexus wheel as argument python -m pip install nexus-1.x.x-cp3X-cp3X-win_amd64.whl, for version 1.x.x and a Python 3.X build. In case you have several Python versions installed use py -3.X -m pip install nexus-1.x.x-cp3X-cp3X-win_amd64.whl, to install Nexus for Python 3.X.

See also

In case you have multiple Python versions, also have a look to

When you import nexus it might happen that you get a .dll load error. In this case install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package, restart and try again. Your CPU must support AVX2 instructions for the precompiled versions.

Option 2: Compiling Nexus in a Conda environment

This installation procedure works with Linux, Windows and macOS. It uses Conda to provide all the dependencies including Python.

Linux and macOS have C++ compilers. For Windows you have to download the MSVC compiler.


Added in version 1.0.2.

macOs support added. By default the build system will choose the Apple Clang compiler, which does not support parallelization with the used C++17 standard. So, you will get reduced performance of Nexus with Clang.

On Windows: Install Visual Studio

On Windows, you have to install Visual Studio with correct dependencies to compile for the latest Python versions. The installation selection here is rather universal and should run for all Python version >= 3.5.

  • Download Visual Studio and run installer.

  • Under Workloads select

    1. Python development and the optional Python native development tools.

    2. Development for Universal Windows Platform with latest Windows 10 SDK, Windows 11 SDK, graphics debugger, and UWP-Tools for C++ (v142) packages.

  • Run the installation.

Install Conda

Conda license issue

Instead of anconda or miniconda you can also use miniforge3. Miniforge might be required due to license restrictions on conda for certain users.

See Anaconda terms of service

  • Download Conda and install Miniconda or Anaconda (or Micromamba). You can also use miniforge instead.

  • On Windows it might be necessary to add the installation path, e.g. C:\miniconda3, C:\miniconda3\condabin, C:\miniconda3\Scripts and C:\miniconda3\Library\bin, to the PATH variable of Windows. Similarly for Anaconda or miniforge.

Installing Nexus

  • Download Nexus from the Gitlab project page.

  • Open a command prompt. On Windows when Conda is installed for all users, you might need to run the command prompt as administrator.

  • Navigate to the folder with the Nexus project and create a virtual environment for the Nexus installation. This is recommended as otherwise conflicts with package dependencies can occur. Type conda env create -n nexus-env --file environment.yml.

  • When you want to install the optional dependencies on NLopt and Pagmo (recommended), type conda install -n nexus-env -c conda-forge pagmo-devel nlopt


pagmo-devel 2.19 build 3 and 4 need boost-cpp in addition , so use conda install -n nexus-env -c conda-forge boost-cpp pagmo-devel nlopt instead.

  • Use conda activate nexus-env or activate nexus-env depending on the Conda version.

  • And install via python -m pip install .

Always activate the Nexus environment in the command prompt either via conda activate nexus-env or activate nexus-env when you want to use Nexus. To remove the environment use conda remove -n nexus-env --all.

Option 3: Compiling Nexus manually

You can also compile Nexus manually. However, you must deal with all of its dependencies.

You need a fully C++17 compliant compiler. The Windows wheels are created with Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 - Version 16 and the Python package setuptools. On Windows, make sure to have the correct SDK installed.

Download and install CMake 3.10 or later, as well as SWIG 4.0 or later.

In case you have the Intel one API Base toolkit you can also use the BLAS libraries from the Intel MKL in the Ceres solver. Keep in mind that if you want to distribute your build every machine has to have the oneAPI toolkit installed. I do not recommend to do so as it will not give any benefits.

You need the following packages or later versions of it. Earlier versions have not been tested.

  • Eigen 3.3

  • glog 0.5.0

  • Ceres solver 2.0.0, only this version will work.

  • Nlopt 2.7.1 (optional)

  • boost 1.78 (optional)

  • Pagmo 2.18 (optional)


In case you use later versions of the Ceres solver as 2.0.0 you might get a compiler error due to changes in the ceres API.

In order to get everything running these packages have to be compiled. Please follow the instructions given here and look to the corresponding documentation. In case you want to distribute the build, all compiled dlls have to be provided via the wheel package.

Pagmo requires the Intel oneAPI TBB. You can download it either as stand-alone or as part of the Intel oneAPI Base toolkit. Install and restart. Actually only the tbb12.dll is needed.

It is helpful to create one folder where all Nexus dependencies are stored. For example, ..\mathlibs and create one folder for each of the packages, e.g. ..\mathlibs\glog.

For glog, all steps needed are given. For the following packages only the CMake options are specified that have to be changed. All other steps are similar, just change the appropriate package names. For Eigen don’t build the project.


  • Create a glog folder and unzip the glog download to that folder.

  • In CMake choose the glog\glog-master folder as source code folder.

  • Create a folder glog\cmake_build and in CMake choose this folder as the folder where to build the binaries.

  • In CMake press configure, choose x64 configure option.

  • Check advanced options.

  • Set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to your glog folder.

  • Uncheck WITH_GFLAGS.

  • Press configure again, create and open project.

  • In the MSVC choose Release configuration and x64.

  • In MSVC solution explorer right-click on ALL_BUILD and build.

  • If finished right- click on INSTALL and build.

  • In the glog folder you should have three new folders glog\bin, glog\include, and glog\lib.


Create folders similar to glog and use CMake.

  • Create an eigen folder and unzip the Eigen folder. You get a folder eigen-X.X.X.

  • In CMake choose this folder a source. Create a eigen\cmake_build folder and choose this folder as folder to build in.

  • In case you have a BLAS library, like MKL, you can build against this lib. But there is no gain in speed for the matrix sizes used in Nexus. Therefore, Nexus is set up such that it is not used anyway. It just creates additional unneeded dependencies.

  • Press configure again and create. Do not open the project.


Create folders similar to glog and use CMake.

  • Uncheck GLFAGS if checked.


  • Set Eigen3_DIR to ..\eigen\cmake_build.

  • Set glog_DIR to ..\glog\cmake_build.


  • Set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to ceres folder.

  • If you want to you can build against a BLAS library like Intel MKL. However, it is not needed.

Configure, create and compile similar to glog.

NLopt (optional)

By default Nexus will build with NLopt.

If you do not want to use NLopt you can undefine the compiler option -DNEXUS_USE_NLOPT in the file. Also delete the NLopt dependencies in the file.

Create folders similar to glog and use CMake.

  • Set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to your nlopt folder.

Configure, create and compile similar to glog.

Boost for Pagmo (optional)

By default Nexus will build against Pagmo. If you do not want to use Pagmo you don’t need boost at all.

boost is required for Pagmo and just needs the following few steps.

  • Create a boost folder and unzip the download.

  • In the boost X.X.X folder open a command line.

  • In the command line input bootstrap.

  • In the command line input .\b2 --build-type=minimal stage. This step will take some time.

Pagmo (optional)

By default Nexus will build with Pagmo. If you do not want to use Pagmo you can undefine the compiler option -DNEXUS_USE_PAGMO in the file. Also delete the Pagmo dependencies in the file.

In case you want to build against Pagmo, create folders similar to glog and use CMake.

  • Set the correct TBB_DIR. Should be detected automatically.

  • Set the correct boost_DIR. Something like ..\boost_1_78_0\stage\lib\cmake\Boost-1.78.0, depending on your version.

  • Set the correct boos_INCLUDE_DIR. Something like ..\boost_1_78_0\stage\lib, depending on your version.

  • Set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to pagmo folder.


  • Check PAGMO_WITH_NLOPT. (optional)

  • Configure

  • Set the Eigen_DIR to ..\eigen\cmake_build.

  • Set the Nlopt_DIR to ..\nlopt\cmake_build.

Configure, create and compile similar to glog.


In the Nexus folder is the file. In this file change folders for the packages to the correct paths.

In case you have compiled Eigen or the Ceres solver with MKL support, the libraries have to be implemented as well. Uncomment the needed lines for MKL support in the file and adjust to your installation.

Run the file.


Make sure that all dlls and all required software tools are available in the PATH variable of Windows.