
Here you can find some notebooks of evaluation examples. The examples are created from simulations or some are measured data. They all serve the purpose to have running evaluation script to start from.

Evaluation of a Moessbauer spectrum

The following jupyter notebooks show how to properly calibrate a spectrum from a iron foil reference and how to evaluate a Moessbauer spectrum.

The files needed are Fe_calibration and sample_spectrum.

You should first determine the calibration values and obtain the calibrated velocity file from this notebook

calibration - Moessbauer_Spectrum/nb_velocity_calibration.ipynb.

and then use the calibration to evaluate the specturm like this

moessbauer_fit - Moessbauer_Spectrum/nb_fit_sample.ipynb.

Evaluation of a time spectrum

This notebook shows how to evaluate a basic time spectrum from a stainless steel foil. It evaluates the data with a local search algorithm.

The file needed is foil data.

time_spectrum_fit - Time_Spectrum/time_spectrum_fit.ipynb.

Evaluation of a reflectivity

This notebook shows how to evaluate a measured reflectivity of an approximately 100 nm thick SiO2 film. It evaluates the data with a global search algorithm, which is the first choice for a reflectivity fit.

The file needed is SiO2_refl.

reflectivity_fit - reflectivity/SiO2_reflectivity.ipynb.